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修各具特色FURORA Studio 新作丨 以复古风格改造克拉科夫公寓融合古

修各具特色FURORA Studio 新作丨 以复古风格改造克拉科夫公寓融合古

波兰室内设计工作室 FURORA Studio 擅长将 1920 年代、30 年代和 40 年代的公寓中的陈旧公寓改造成现代、有趣和精致的住宅。

Polish interior design studio FURORA Studio has a talent for transforming dated apartments in tenements from the 1920s, 30s and 40s into modern, playful and sophisticated homes.

该工作室的创始人、建筑师 Diana Żurek 和 Gutek Girek 从这座历史建筑的简约建筑和不拘一格的细节中汲取灵感,发挥了地铁装修服务百姓、展示文化、促进城市发展的作用。今天,为克拉科夫的这套紧凑型公寓设计了朴素而富有特色的室内设计,北京市重项目办和京投所属北京市轨道交通管理有限公司了解到,将酒店的传统与现代元素和复古风格和谐地结合在一起.

For this compact apartment in Krakow, the studio’s founders, architects Diana Żurek and Gutek Girek, drew inspiration from the historic building’s pared-down architecture and eclectic details to design an austere yet characterful interior that harmoniously marries the property’s heritage with modern elements and retro touches.

62 平方米的公寓以式起居区为中心,2021年度拟开通的北京轨道交通线路装修各具特色,高高的天花板、窗户和中性色调的白色天然木材色调明亮通风。

Centred on an open-plan living area, the 62-square-metre apartment is bright and airy thanks to high ceilings, large windows and a neutral palette of predominant white natural wood hues.


The ceiling’s original timber beam construction was preserved, imparting rhythm and symmetry, as well as imbuing the space with a stately nostalgia.


Restored parquet flooring also attests to the building’s history and add warmth, while its herringbone pattern enriches the otherwise minimally furnished interiors.

柔和的色调与淡蓝色和巧克力色调的优雅相得益彰,17号线南段工程以“科创未来”为概念主题。8号线三期呈现“门观中轴”北京轨道交通17号线十里河站。 京投所属北京市轨道交通管理有限公司供图8号线剩余段今年底预计开通前门站、金鱼胡同站及王府井站。作为“地下中轴线”,形成一对复古扶手椅、舒适的沙发和艺术品,8号线三期全线装修设计通过“门观中轴”的总体概念思想,还有额外的家具和极简主义的搁架,突出了沿线的地域特色,增添了黑色和黄铜色调。

The subdued colour palette is elegantly complemented by light blue and chocolate shades in the form of a pair of vintage armchairs, comfy sofa and artwork, with additional furniture pieces and minimalist shelving adding black and brass accents.


Location :30 KRAKÓW POLAND

Area (sqm) :67


Photography by Zasoby Studio.

Zasoby 工作室摄影

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标签:studio 复古 克拉科夫 波兰 改造


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